We began our month with the salvation of one of the electricians who is working in the ministry house. Mike is a Kenyan man who comes here for work and sends money home to his family. I sat down with him and shared what the bible says about salvation. That day he asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior!
The first weekend in April, we had our monthly women’s fellowship. It is always a blessing for these women to get away from their homes and be in the Lord’s house worshipping Him! It was an hour drive there and back, but the whole way home the women were clapping and singing praises to God. We know that these women are pleasing God when they chose to spend time with Him. |
The next weekend we had a men’s fellowship. The message was “building strong families” and the men left encouraged to be the leader of their household the way God intended. After the fellowship, one man got saved! |
The next day in English Sunday school one of the girls, Dokiri, got saved. After church, the hospitality team met with six visitors and three of them received Jesus as their personal savior that day: Josephine, Andrew, and Charity. Charity was visiting that day and going back to Uganda the following week. It was a reminder to us that we sometimes only have one opportunity to share the gospel with those we come into contact with! |
The next weekend, our youth went with Saada for hospital visitation. They were able to spend an hour with the patients praying with them and some were able to share the gospel. Many tracts were given that day! The opportunity to go into the hospital is a blessing and we are so thankful our youth are going and sharing the love of Jesus with those who are too sick to come to us! |
The last weekend in April, we had our first parents training. It was a blessing to see the men take this training seriously. After the training many of the parents stood up and thanked us for the training and were encouraged that if they continue to be a part of these types of trainings, they will see a change in their families and lives. Also, that day, we had four children from the English Sunday school class pray to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior: Oba Justin, Blessing, Helen, and Victoria! |
Thank you for your encouragement to us each month! Your prayers strengthen us to keep going and giving our all in South Sudan! |
- All those who got saved this month!
- Our people are taking time to learn how to share the gospel well.
Prayer Requests
- VBS at the end of May
- Discipleship of new believers
- Training those who will continue the ministry while we are on furlough
Levi and the young man who got saved at men’s fellowship. |
One of our youth, Charles, teaching the Bible lesson in English Sunday School. |
Meeting with the Hospitality team for Gospel Worshop training. They are learning and practicing how to share the gospel clearly. |
Youth preparing for hospital ministry with missionary Saada Williams |
Mother and Father training. This month we learned that Christ must be our foundation if we are going to build a home that lasts. |
Peter worked with one of the fathers after the training so he could reflect on the lesson by answering questions. |