We are Thanking God for all that He did this month! Eighteen individuals went from death to life this month, Praise God! Our church developed a theme for this year: “Reach more in 2024”. Our secondary school began it’s 6th year with a “heart focus” conference. Mori and Peter had a graduation from a local Bible Institute. So many things happened in our shortest month of the year. |
As a church, we decided on a theme for this year. This theme is to be evident in every area of ministry our church represents. The theme of “Win more in 2024” requires each member to always be ready to share the gospel, invite friends and neighbors to church, and to seek ways that they can further the gospel in our community. Earlier in February, we met with all our church helpers to share our church theme for this year, in hopes they would “catch the vision”. The next day we shared it with our church family. Then, the first Sunday in March we are having a ‘volunteer’ fair after services. Hopefully this will encourage more of our church family to get involved in “winning more in 2024”. Please pray with us that we will have many commit that day to be involved in ministries they were not previously helping with. |
“Can you please come to my home and pray?”
It is not uncommon for someone in our community to come and ask us to speak at a funeral, but we do not always have the opportunity to come pray with a family before they lose a family member. One day a woman, Eli, came to us asking if we could come to the home and pray for a family member who was very sick. When we arrived, there were many at the home to be with this woman who was on the floor laying on a rug. We took this opportunity to share the gospel and that day the woman who was sick along with 6 others who were there prayed to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior! Two days later this woman passed away, we thank God that we did not miss this opportunity to share the gospel before it was too late! |
The first week we came to Juba (almost two years ago), Chelsea vividly remembers the expectation of those who thought we would bring them things from America, and they compared us to the missionaries who had come before us. It was difficult to build relationships with those who had these expectations of us. However, over time those who felt like we weren’t what they were hoping have come to know us and call us friends. This is true for a young woman named Selena. For a long time, Chelsea has worked to build a friendship with her, inviting her to church, and encouraging her to come to bible study. The first Sunday of February Selena purposed in her heart to come to church. During testimony time, she said “I need to talk to mama Lincoln”, and after church she was not going to leave until she knew Jesus as her Savior!! Praise The Lord! Only God can work in the hearts of individuals! |
- 18 souls saved this month!
- New English Sunday School is growing
- Ministry house construction is advancing everyday
Prayer Requests
- Volunteer fair, will produce new helpers in the church.
- Safety and Health in 2024
Win more in 2024 Workshop |
These are two brothers who got saved the day we went to visit their sick family member. Five more got saved this same day! |
Selena got saved! |
Within one week we had 6 women saved on our feeding program. Pictured from left to right: Sunday, Mary, Sunday, Achol, Liza, and Pasquela. Pasquela has been with us for Bible study, women’s fellowships, and recently began attending our church on Sundays. It took time, but she was finally ready to accept Jesus as her Savior! |
This is one of our youth: Wani Francis. He has been working with Mori to prepare a sermon. He did a great job preaching during our Friday night youth activity. |
We are so proud of Mori and Peter for passing their Bible Institute exams! We were able to celebrate with them on their graduation day. |
Full day of gospel workshop. These men did a great job! |
The children are enjoying our new English Sunday School. We have grown from 17, to 29, to now 37 children! |