We hope this letter finds you safe and warm. Our goal is to focus on warmer climates during the winter months, but even that was unavoidable for us. While in San Antonio, we experienced some snow! Our travels this month have taken us from coast to coast. In fact, we have traveled a total of 4,397 miles as a family during the month of February! It has been a fruitful month. We have spent time with two of our supporting churches and partnered with two new churches. Praise the Lord!
There have been great reports from South Sudan! One of our young men, James, has been thankful for the opportunity to teach on Mondays for the staff devotion time. He said it has helped him to study the bible and research it for understanding before each lesson. This past week Peter sat down with a young man named Jacob and showed him from the bible how he could be saved. He put his faith and trust in Jesus that day! Please pray that this young man will come to the weekly discipleship. Our children’s Sunday school added two new Sunday School classes this month. Now, we have two classes taught in English and two taught in Juba Arabic. What a blessing it is to have enough faithful teachers willing to teach these new classes! |
At the end of February, we were in a missions’ conference in Florida. The youth did a powerful drama called” Auction for Souls”. In the skit, six countries were represented. Each of these countries had a person who talked about the culture and what their traditions say will get them to Heaven. Then Satan puts a bid in for their soul, but if someone else puts a bid in saying they will go to that country and share the truth of the gospel, then Satan loses that soul. However, one of these countries represented had no one willing to go. The drama ended with a young woman from the middle east, pleading for her life. She wondered why no one was willing to help her, as Satan won her soul. Who is willing to Go? Who is willing to tell the truth of the Gospel. Maybe it is to your neighbor across the street or maybe it is to someone who needs to hear across the World. Where will you go? |
A Wonderful Blessing on the Way
We are happy to share with you that we are expecting an addition to our family! Chelsea has enjoyed sharing this great news in person with churches and friends. Now, we want to make it public. Mom and baby are doing well and have reached the halfway point, as baby is due July 17th! This means, we will stay in America until baby is about six weeks old instead of returning to the field in May as we planned. We will find out the gender at the end of March while we are home for a couple of days. We ask you to pray for a continued healthy pregnancy. |
Pillow Case Dresses Needed
On a more practical note, we are in need of more pillowcase dresses for the girls in our feeding program. These simple dresses are a wonderful Christmas gift every year, and we are so thankful for everyone who has donated in the past. If you have the ability to help us, you can mail them to the following address by July 2025:
3809 Delaware Ave Springfield, MO 65803
Please email pillowcase.dresses.4.south.sudan@gmail.com to let us know you are willing to help. |
- The salvation of Jacob
- four Sunday School classes for Children in South Sudan
- Health of Chelsea and the baby
Prayer Requests
- More laborers to go and tell the truth of the gospel
- strength for our team serving in South Sudan
- Continued health of our family as we travel
Jacob (in the middle) got saved! |
All the Mk’s got a special gift at the mission conference in Florida. |
The “Auction for Souls” skit |
Reporting at supporting and new churches in Texas, South Carolina, and Florida. |