Greetings! We hope this letter finds you well and encouraged in your walk with the Lord. It’s hard to believe how much God has been moving in the ministry over the past few months. We are excited to share some of the highlights with you.
Souls Saved & Lives Changed
In our last prayer letter we asked you to pray for the Christmas program that was to take place at a hospital in South Sudan. We are thrilled to report that over 40 individuals were counselled for salvation that day! One of the most exciting updates comes from Grace, a faithful member of our church. We have been praying for her husband, Moi Daniel’s, salvation for a long time, and by God’s grace, he finally came to faith in Christ! It’s been such a joy to hear about this family growing together in their walk with the Lord.
Reaching the South Sudanese in Springfield, MO
Last month, missionary Jim Eberhard told me about some South Sudanese men living in Springfield, MO. We went to visit these men, Ken and his brother, on a Monday evening. As we sat in their home, the conversation turned to sharing the gospel with them, and we are happy to report that they both got saved! Please pray for them that they will get plugged into church and discipled well.
Exciting Growth in South Sudan
At the Bible Baptist Church in South Sudan, we continue to hear reports of God moving in incredible ways. Almost every week, there are visitors coming. Just a few weeks ago, we received news of an amazing chain of events. A man named John came to church one Sunday, accepted Christ as his Savior, and the very next Sunday he brought two friends named Suzi and Tabita with him. Both of them trusted Christ as well! Please pray for these new believers and for continued growth in the church.
Pillow Case Dresses Needed
On a more practical note, we are in need of more pillowcase dresses for the girls in our feeding program. These simple dresses are a wonderful Christmas gift every year, and we are so thankful for everyone who has donated in the past. If you have the ability to help us, you can mail them to the following address by July 2025:
We’ve encountered some mechanical issues with our generator that have resulted in a large repair bill. We are in need of $2,000 to replace the dynamo and reaching out to our faithful partners for help. Please pray for provision in this area as we work to resolve this issue. If you want to contribute to this need, please send your donation to the Baptist Bible Fellowship marked as a special gift for South Sudan generator.
Praises/ Prayer Requests
The reports of salvation in South Sudan
The South Sudanese men in Springfield, MO who got saved
Traveling is going well for our family
Prayer Requests
Provision for the $2,000 generator repair.
More pillowcase dresses to be made
Ongoing health and strength for our team and for our church members in South Sudan.
Wisdom and guidance as we continue to share the love of Christ with those around us.
Church choir who sang at the hospital where 40 individuals were counselled for salvation.
Grace’s husband Moi Daniel got saved!
Ken and his brother got saved!
John (in the red shirt) got saved!
John’s visitors, Suzi and Tabita, got saved!
We hit the road again after the holidays
Speaking at a youth rally in Texas
Lincoln is always finding ways to help!
Reporting at supporting churches in Missouri and Texas.
Presenting at a new church who committed to support us!